I’m so glad u wrote today. Yes, what we all witnessed was totally shameful and let’s all continue to pray for Ukraine. Psalms 129.2 NLT They treated me badly, but they have not defeated me.
Thank you for another careful reflection on the ongoing unmasking of the Modern powers and principalities. Carl Jung noted that if we do not engage and integrate our shadow it will come to dominate us. Vanessa Andreotti, in her work on hospicing modenity, notes that our civilizations devours everything and everyone, but cannot metabolize and cannot compost its own waste. We poison our world and ourselves. My own grandfather fought on the ground in World War Two. He was a much-decorated veteran who hated war. His take on WWII was different than the popular narrative. He figured that the fascists “on our side” beat the fascists “on the other side.” I think he was right about that, and history proves it. In the 1940’s and 1950’s, the great Black American scholar W.E.B. Du Bois noted that the United States was already leading the world back into slavery and war. Dwight Eisenhower even noted that we were choosing to “crucify humanity upon a cross of iron” with our fixation on military domination and the military industrial complex. We have been warned by many scientists in various clear ways that we are committing ecocide. All that you say is very true, but we must not project all of the blame into others. Apocalypse means unveiling. All of our masks come off. Chris Hedges has pointed out for decades that fascism grows out of failed liberalism. Neoliberalism was that failed liberalism - deeply supported by the Democrats and Republicans. I will not also that it was W.E.B. Du Bois who noted that the American “two party” system was a fraud, and that our nation’s leadership was one predatory bird with two wings. For example, President Biden handed Gaza to Donald Trump on a golden platter by sending tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to support the genocide there. The Ukraine war is a travesty of two competing empires - the USA and Russia - being willing to bleed and destroy the nation of Ukraine because both empires want to own it. Sarah Kendzior probably has the best take on this: Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, and most other leaders are better understood as crime bosses carving up the planet rather than as leaders of nations. The beast has many heads. Our civilization includes so much that is good, noble, and even loving. Almost no one in the clergy is willing to face the spiritual and moral bankruptcy that has brought us to this point, let alone the scope, speed, and scale of the anthropogenic extinction event that makes our civilization look like fragile icing on a cake set out on in full sunlight on a 120-degree summer’s day. We need to be beloved community where we are. Yes - work for peace and justice in every way possible. Fight for what is right in every place, all the time. But as the recent report on Planetary Solvency from the University of Exeter points out, we humans are in a grim fix, and perhaps are functionally extinct within decades. Work and pray for the miracle. Love is also at work. Love does not end. Love does not fail.
Cameron, your daily Reflections are so simple, so true and so inspiring. Thank you very much for echoing what all just and respectful persons believe. We do not judge, as we follow from afar, all american people by what is coming from the Oval Office! It is so disgraceful, and every word of your reflection for today resonates with the heart of humanity.
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and protect you in your great work.
Thank you! I just read your meditation on the Dakini. “The true human adult gives everything for what cannot be lost”.
We need one another to do this. Your wise voice gives me support to strive to do all I can do as an old woman. Thank you for this Saturday meditation.
Thank you, Cameron, for your steadying voice.
I completely agree with your sentiments! It’s frightening and maddening to see Trump and his gang in action. How do we pray for them?
I’m so glad u wrote today. Yes, what we all witnessed was totally shameful and let’s all continue to pray for Ukraine. Psalms 129.2 NLT They treated me badly, but they have not defeated me.
Thank you for another careful reflection on the ongoing unmasking of the Modern powers and principalities. Carl Jung noted that if we do not engage and integrate our shadow it will come to dominate us. Vanessa Andreotti, in her work on hospicing modenity, notes that our civilizations devours everything and everyone, but cannot metabolize and cannot compost its own waste. We poison our world and ourselves. My own grandfather fought on the ground in World War Two. He was a much-decorated veteran who hated war. His take on WWII was different than the popular narrative. He figured that the fascists “on our side” beat the fascists “on the other side.” I think he was right about that, and history proves it. In the 1940’s and 1950’s, the great Black American scholar W.E.B. Du Bois noted that the United States was already leading the world back into slavery and war. Dwight Eisenhower even noted that we were choosing to “crucify humanity upon a cross of iron” with our fixation on military domination and the military industrial complex. We have been warned by many scientists in various clear ways that we are committing ecocide. All that you say is very true, but we must not project all of the blame into others. Apocalypse means unveiling. All of our masks come off. Chris Hedges has pointed out for decades that fascism grows out of failed liberalism. Neoliberalism was that failed liberalism - deeply supported by the Democrats and Republicans. I will not also that it was W.E.B. Du Bois who noted that the American “two party” system was a fraud, and that our nation’s leadership was one predatory bird with two wings. For example, President Biden handed Gaza to Donald Trump on a golden platter by sending tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to support the genocide there. The Ukraine war is a travesty of two competing empires - the USA and Russia - being willing to bleed and destroy the nation of Ukraine because both empires want to own it. Sarah Kendzior probably has the best take on this: Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, and most other leaders are better understood as crime bosses carving up the planet rather than as leaders of nations. The beast has many heads. Our civilization includes so much that is good, noble, and even loving. Almost no one in the clergy is willing to face the spiritual and moral bankruptcy that has brought us to this point, let alone the scope, speed, and scale of the anthropogenic extinction event that makes our civilization look like fragile icing on a cake set out on in full sunlight on a 120-degree summer’s day. We need to be beloved community where we are. Yes - work for peace and justice in every way possible. Fight for what is right in every place, all the time. But as the recent report on Planetary Solvency from the University of Exeter points out, we humans are in a grim fix, and perhaps are functionally extinct within decades. Work and pray for the miracle. Love is also at work. Love does not end. Love does not fail.
Cameron, your daily Reflections are so simple, so true and so inspiring. Thank you very much for echoing what all just and respectful persons believe. We do not judge, as we follow from afar, all american people by what is coming from the Oval Office! It is so disgraceful, and every word of your reflection for today resonates with the heart of humanity.
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and protect you in your great work.