I have one foot in paying attention and mitigating damage in those very small areas where I can and my other foot in 'what comes next' which is an opportunity to co-create a more just, equitable and sustainable culture. Something of a balancing act but it's a path in the darkness-

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My own sense of deep trust is not rooted in the future, in human capability, or even in the survival9& the human species. For me the real meaning of life is to live in loving relationship with Mother Earth as the very body of God, and with all creatures - more-than-human and also human. This is an intrinsic good. This is the Pearl of Great Price.. this is the Kin-dom of Heaven. The past does not determine it, and future outcomes cannot take it away. In loving relationship, I do try to make a way for life as best as I can, knowing full well that ultimate outcomes are not in my control, and that individuals death and species extinction are a part of the generative process of the One Divine Body of God. We are all folded in, and this is beyond our comprehension. We belong and we are beloved eternally. I believe that if our trust in God does not include own death and the extinction of our species, then we do not trust God fully. I believe in resurrection, but I do not comprehend it. I live a loving life because God is Love. Jesus showed us who God is and how loving God is. We can be like Jesus. Then we - and our species - will die. What comes after that is a matter of speculation for us, I believe. I trust God for that, without needing to comprehend it or put it into a little philosophical or theological box. A better future is certainly a good thing to think about and work for, but our faith is not built on a better future that we dominate or control. We will be fully present to all in the better future - fearing nothing, hiding nothing, and loving all.

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