Piloting Faith: Saying yes to the quest...
A Word for the Day...
We cannot stretch beyond ourselves and still cling to what we know. The invitation of any great quest begins by stepping into the unknowable. We agree to change our patterns, walk new paths, explore new terrain, and journey with new mentors. Once we begin, we can't turn back. The world we left behind is gone. The person we were, the one we left behind, is forever changed.
This is perhaps the curse of saying yes to change but also it's gift: with every new quest, a new world.
Carry on, brave ones.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
Prayer for the Week
Gracious God,
You have said that the meek are blessed, that those who choose to serve others for no personal gain will inherit the earth.
But how can this be? Show us how. In our world, the meek get ignored. The humble end up trampled and left for dead.
Yet meekness is what you modeled. Show us how to live with faith and confidence in your upside-down kin-dom. Change our imagination, rearrange our priorities, re-create our very way of seeing. Otherwise, pride and power make so much more sense.
Show us the giant promise of your "little" ways. Help us to desire humility, honor it in others, choose it for ourselves, that we may look more like you in this world.
- (adapted from The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Riess and David Van Biema)