Piloting Faith: Life lessons from a stomach bug...
A Word for the Day...
I've been out two days this week recovering from a stomach virus. I've waivered between moments when I wished someone would kill me to moments when I feel almost human again. The only bright side to all of this is that my abs have had a spectacular workout.
Illness, especially short-term illness like a stomach bug, remind us that our bodies are miracles. They handle so many things without our conscious awareness. When we are sick, we suddenly recognize the ways we use and abuse our bodies - over-work, too little sleep, eating poorly, unprocessed stress. Our bodies just handle it all...until they don't.
I wouldn't wish a stomach virus on anyone. But I have appreciated the reminder that our bodies are barometers tuning us into life-sustaining rhythms that help us live in balanced, healthy ways. For those of us in good health, we should count ourselves blessed indeed.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
Prayer for the Week
Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes is the pastor of Countryside Community Church in Omaha, NE. He has just started a new online meditation that we can all access through Facebook Live. Each morning and evening he guides us through the meditation using four bows, signalled by a bell, that we hold in our minds for 5 minutes each. Let's all try this together this week.
Four Bows Meditation
Get in a comfortable position.
Take a deep breath in...let it out slowly.
First Bow: Review the last 24 hours and give thanks (5 minutes).
Second Bow: Surround a person you care about who is struggling with loving intention (5 minutes).
Third Bow: What do you need help with most today? Be specific (5 minutes).
Fourth Bow: Let go of all agendas, opening wide to your Source, and pay close attention to intuitions...(5 minutes)
As you emerge from the experience, take a moment to write down any insights that came to you or any lessons learned. Or simply enjoy the stillness you feel when you give yourself the space to slow down.
Peace be with you, friend.